Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Yogic Approach to Problems

“The more you think of your problems, the deeper you go into them, actually meditating on them. Instead, put in new ideas, constructive ideas, and let those ideas take the place of the mental fixations. That is the spiritual way, the yogic approach. When something worries you, create opposite thoughts. If you hate somebody, instead of trying to find ways to get out of that hatred, just ignore it and try to love. Think of love, love, love, and the hatred will slowly go away, automatically. With regular practice of both physical and mental Yoga, for example, prayer, meditation, japa, asanas and pranayama, along with proper diet, you can easily overcome this trouble instead of worrying about it and constantly thinking about it.

“God bless you. OM Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.”

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